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bfd bind peer-ip default-ip


The bfd bind peer-ip default-ip command creates a BFD binding for detecting the physical status of a link.

The undo bfd session-name command deletes a specified BFD session and the created BFD binding.

By default, no BFD binding for monitoring physical status of a link is configured.


bfd session-name bind peer-ip default-ip interface interface-type interface-number [ source-ip ip-address ] [ auto ]

undo bfd session-name






Specifies the session name of BFD.

The value is a string of 1 to 15 characters without spaces.


When quotation marks are used around the string, spaces are allowed in the string.

peer-ip default-ip

Indicates the default multicast IP address that is bound to a BFD session.

By default, BFD uses the multicast IP address You can set the multicast IP address by running the default-ip-address command.

interface interface-type interface-number

Specifies the type and number of the interface bound to a BFD session.

  • interface-type specifies the interface type.

  • interface-number specifies the interface number.


source-ip ip-address

Indicates the source IP address carried in BFD packets. If the source IP address is not specified, the system searches the local routing table for an outbound interface from which the peer IP address can be reached. The IP address of this outbound interface is used as the source IP address of BFD packets sent by the local end. Generally, this parameter is not required.

When BFD is used with the Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) function, you must manually configure the source IP address in BFD packets because the URPF function checks the source IP address in received packets.


For details about URPF, see URPF Configuration in the NetEngine AR600, AR6100, AR6200, and AR6300 Configuration Guide - Security Configuration.



Enables automatic negotiation of local and remote discriminators.



System view

Default Level

2: Configuration level

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

If source-ip is specified, the URPF-enabled device does not incorrectly discard BFD packets. Ensure that the source IP address is correct. The system only checks whether the source IP address is valid (for example, it cannot be a multicast or broadcast address) without checking correctness.


BFD has been enabled globally using the bfd command in the system view.


If the IP address of an outbound interface is changed after a BFD session is configured, the source IP address of BFD packets is not updated.

Unlike common static BFD sessions, static BFD sessions with automatically negotiated discriminators have separate characteristics:
  • The bfd bind peer-ip source-ip auto command can be run and immediately create a static BFD session with automatically negotiated discriminators, without the commit command executed.
  • Parameters of a static BFD session with automatically negotiated discriminators take effect immediately after being modified, without the commit command executed. The parameters include the minimum interval at which BFD packets are sent and received and the detection multiplier.
  • The commit command can be run for a static BFD session with automatically negotiated discriminators to support the forward version compatibility.


# Configure a BFD session named test on GE 1/0/0.1 to which a default multicast address is bound, to detect the one-hop link on GE1/0/0.1.

<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] bfd
[Huawei-bfd] quit
[Huawei] bfd test bind peer-ip default-ip interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1
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