Checking Whether the CPU Usage Exceeds 70%


  1. If the number of dropped ARP packets keeps increasing, run the display cpu-usage command to view the CPU usage.

    <HUAWEI> display cpu-usage  
    CPU Usage Stat. Cycle: 60 (Second) 
    CPU Usage           : 7% Max: 80% 
    CPU Usage Stat. Time : 2016-06-17  02:34:38  
    CPU utilization for five seconds: 7%: one minute: 7%: five minutes: 9% 
    Max CPU Usage Stat. Time : 2016-05-20 00:31:17.

    1. If the CPU usage is in the normal range but ARP packets are dropped, increase the CPCAR value for ARP.

      Run the display cpu-defend configuration command to view the CPCAR setting for the ARP packets sent to the CPU.
      <HUAWEI> display cpu-defend configuration all 
      Car configurations on mainboard. 
      Packet Name     Status     Cir(Kbps)   Cbs(Byte)  Queue  Port-Type 
      arp-miss        Enabled          64        10000      3         NA 
      arp-reply       Enabled          128       16000      3         NA 
      arp-request     Enabled          128       16000      3         NA
      Based on the previous CPU statistics, increase the CPCAR value for ARP.
      <HUAWEI> system-view 
      [HUAWEI] cpu-defend policy test 
      [HUAWEI-cpu-defend-policy-test] car packet-type arp-reply cir 128  
      [HUAWEI-cpu-defend-policy-test] car packet-type arp-miss cir 128  
      [HUAWEI-cpu-defend-policy-test] car packet-type arp-request cir 128 
      [HUAWEI-cpu-defend-policy-test] quit 
      [HUAWEI] cpu-defend-policy test         //Apply the policy globally.

    2. If the switch has a high CPU usage, do not increase the CPCAR value. Instead, find out the attack source.

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