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What Is Smart Upgrade?

Smart upgrade achieves one-click loading of and upgrade to the latest version of software by connecting switches to the Huawei Online Upgrade Platform (HOUP) through the Internet.

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As the number of switches on a network drastically increases year by year, the traditional upgrade operations become rather complicated and laborious, resulting in higher maintenance costs. To upgrade a switch to the latest software version in a more convenient way, smart upgrade is developed to implement one-click upgrade.

Smart upgrade achieves one-click loading of and upgrade to the latest version of software by connecting switches to the Huawei Online Upgrade Platform (HOUP) through the Internet.

Comparison Between Traditional Upgrade and Smart Upgrade
Comparison Between Traditional Upgrade and Smart Upgrade

What Are Application Scenarios of Smart Upgrade?

Deploying Smart Upgrade When a Switch Is Directly Connected to the Internet

As shown in the following figure, a smart upgrade-enabled switch periodically sends switch or AP information including the device name, ESN, current system software version, and current patch to the HOUP. The HOUP returns the latest version information, including the recommended system software version, patch, patch type, download path, and file size, to the switch based on the maintenance policy. After the customer confirms that the switch needs to be upgraded immediately, the switch automatically downloads the software package and performs an upgrade. The switch reports the upgrade result to the HOUP.

Deploying smart upgrade when a switch is directly connected to the Internet
Deploying smart upgrade when a switch is directly connected to the Internet

Deploying Smart Upgrade When a Switch Is Connected to the Internet through a Proxy Server

As shown in the following figure, switches reside on the intranet and access the Internet through a proxy server for deployment of smart upgrade.

A smart upgrade-enabled switch periodically sends switch or AP information including the device name, ESN, current system software version, and current patch to the HOUP. The HOUP returns the latest version information, including the recommended system software version, patch, patch type, download path, and file size, to the switch based on the maintenance policy. After the customer confirms that the switch needs to be upgraded immediately, the switch automatically downloads the software package and performs an upgrade. The switch reports the upgrade result to the HOUP.

Deploying smart upgrade when a switch is connected to the Internet through a proxy server
Deploying smart upgrade when a switch is connected to the Internet through a proxy server

How Does Smart Upgrade Work?

The exchange process between the HOUP and switches implements one-click smart upgrade, as shown in the following figures.

Exchange process of smart switch upgrade
Exchange process of smart switch upgrade
Exchange process of smart AP upgrade
Exchange process of smart AP upgrade

The process is as follows:

Before an upgrade
  1. Once smart switch or AP upgrade is enabled on a switch, the switch begins to automatically report switch or AP status information to the HOUP every 24 hours to request for the latest upgrade details.
  2. The HOUP returns upgrade details including the latest system software version and patch to the switch based on the customized maintenance policy.
  3. The administrator determines whether to perform an upgrade based on the returned upgrade details. You can view upgrade prompts on the web page and determine whether an upgrade is required using the CLI.
  4. The administrator manually triggers the one-click upgrade. The administrator can click Upgrade Immediately on the web system page or run the smart-upgrade right-now command on the CLI to perform a one-click upgrade.

During an upgrade

  1. The switch requests to download the latest system files from the HOUP.
  2. The HOUP transfers system files to the switch using HTTPS based on the download request.
  3. After the system files are downloaded, the switch or AP automatically sets the system software or patch for next startup. For the smart upgrade of a switch, the switch automatically restarts for the upgrade. For the smart upgrade of an AP, the AP returns the upgrade confirmation result to the switch and then restarts for the upgrade. (If only hot patches are loaded, the switch or AP does not automatically restart.)

After an upgrade

After the switch or AP restarts, the switch automatically reports the upgrade results to the HOUP. If the upgrade fails, the HOUP notifies Huawei maintenance engineers of the failure.

  • For the smart upgrade of a switch, the switch automatically reports the upgrade result after restarting. If the upgrade fails, the HOUP notifies Huawei maintenance engineers of the failure.
  • For the smart upgrade of an AP, after the AP returns the upgrade confirmation result to the switch, the switch automatically reports the upgrade result. If the AP returns a message indicating that the upgrade fails, the HOUP notifies Huawei maintenance engineers of the upgrade failure.
About This Topic
  • Author: Sun Hongye
  • Updated on: 2022-01-20
  • Views: 2701
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